Raise your hand if you work at a desk job! It’s a challenge to stay healthy when you’re stuck in a chair for hours. In fact, it can affect your ability to stay focused, leading to decreased productivity levels.
Good health is essential for a solopreneur, office worker, or work-from-home parent like you. Because a healthy body is key to a successful life! You can’t meet your personal and professional goals when you don’t feel well, right?
Here are actionable ways you can move more, eat better, and combat stress even if you sit at a computer the entire day.
1. Maintain good posture.
Practicing good posture helps you avoid strain on the muscles that support your back. While you’re at your desk, keep your back straight. Make sure that your shoulders do not fall forward. At the same time, your feet should be flat on the floor. Poor posture is dangerous – it can cause headaches and decrease your mood!
2. Get up each hour.
Take hourly breaks by standing up and taking a walk outside for some fresh air. You can also use a break to get a cold glass of water. Sitting for one to two hours without moving at all encourages a sedentary lifestyle. It has risks, such as increased mortality.
3. Make phone calls while standing up.
You may not know this, but having phone conversations while sitting isn’t a good idea. Standing up doesn’t only allow you to get more movement, but it also gives you more confidence – this reflects with the way you speak!
4. Wake up earlier!
Need to add more fitness into your day? Use the first 20 minutes of your morning to exercise. The best exercise is one that you find enjoyable to do (while adding a bit of challenge). It’ll speed up your metabolism so that you can burn extra calories throughout the day. Here’s a fun cardio HIIT workout for inspiration!
5. Organize your space.
One of the best ways to be focused is to keep your work space clutter-free. A messy desk equals less work done. Seeing clutter can overload your senses and distract you from what’s important. So before you begin work, take a few minutes to put things away and place them in their right home. Have a trash can within reach to make it easy to throw trash right away.
6. Keep a water bottle on your desk.
Out of sight, out of mind. I have a tendency to neglect drinking water when I don’t have it nearby. Drinking water throughout the day (even when you think you’re not thirsty) helps you beat the afternoon slump. It’ll also keep sugar cravings at bay!
7. Skip the elevator.
If you want to stay healthy, aim for more steps per day. Yet, this can be tough to do when you’re at your desk for hours. So here’s what you should do: Take the stairs instead of the elevator at work! If your daily routine doesn’t involve stairs, park as far as possible from the office entrance.
You don’t have to do everything on this list. Start with one to three tips and notice your health and productivity soar.