You aren’t the only person running a business in the entire world. You also aren’t the only marketer around. These two facts alone suggest that you as a solopreneur should be a creative thinker.
Why? Because your competitors are always brainstorming for new ideas to outperform you and others in your niche market. Without a creative brain, you’ll be stuck in waiting for and using marketing strategies that others create.
This will eventually leave your business in the dust or worse – on the verge of closing. By reading this blog post, you can train your mind to discover new marketing tactics that won’t just bring more customers, but will also open up plenty of opportunities to dominate your niche.
1. Use both sides of your brain
Don’t believe the myth that each person has a dominant side of their brain. I’m talking about how left-brained people tend to be more analytical while the right-brained population is more creative. A truly creative person uses their entire head.
Adopting this kind of mindset will teach you to draw inspiration from virtually anything. You’ll also be more capable of finding ways to make even the most outlandish marketing ideas work through logical and rational thinking.
2. Let your imagination run wild
Work with your brain and not against it as they say. Dedicate time for creativity at your office. If you catch yourself daydreaming, don’t snap yourself out of it. So what if you drift into a bizarre world? Remember most technologies today came from past ideas that people thought weird at the time.
No matter how big, small, weird, logical, or impossible an idea is, welcome and write it down in your journal. Another benefit of letting your thoughts loose is that you’ll find it easy in the future to get into a creative trance whenever you need to.
3. Reduce distraction
Set your phone on silent, close your computer, and shut the windows and the doors when you’re at the office. Make a habit of keeping your workspace tidy. The clearer your mind and working environment are, the easier it is for you to train your brain and let creative thoughts come in.
4. Practice mindfulness
Notice everything in the present moment. By practicing mindfulness, you improve your capacity to put your attention wherever you need to. This asset will help your brain automatically filter out irrelevant information coming in as you look for solutions to your marketing problems.
5. Foster an artists mind
Our brains tend to perceive visual elements more than the input of the other senses. As a result, we learn and formulate ideas better through images, patterns, and color. Instead of listing your new and basic marketing ideas through text, take a picture, draw, or make a thought web of their inspiration. Remember, visual stimulators do a better job of triggering our creative imaginations.
6. Experience new things
Get out of your comfort zone. Go to new places, meet new people, or do some things you’ve never done. Expand your world. Some ideas may only be complete when it gets combined or correlated with another concept or experience.
Think of it as if your experiences are cooking ingredients. The more you gain or know, the more recipes you can create. Who knows? Maybe meeting people from different walks of life will help you formulate a marketing strategy that connects you to that customer demographic you’ve been trying to target for so long.
As an ultimate tip to train your mind in being creative for marketing, avoid stress. A pressured head has no room for creativity because it always thinks about immediate discomforts.
More articles for creativity here!