Do you want to start a business but don’t know what type of business you’re going to build? My advice is to start looking within yourself. This may sound philosophical, but it’s not. A business thrives when the owner has a passion for it.
Business owners should find a niche to differentiate themselves from the competition in the market. A niche allows you to cater to a more specific audience. When you already know your niche, building your business becomes easier. For example, if you want a business that caters to all pets, you can build something that sells products to pet owners.
But what if you don’t know your niche yet? The process of finding one may be difficult, but not impossible. Here are easy and practical tips to get started.
1. Reflect on your passion and interests.
Some people don’t know their direction because they don’t take the time to reflect. Knowing what interests you is crucial in building your business.
What do you do during your breaks? What are your skills? What do you want to learn? What makes you happy? If you’re bored and not excelling in your current field, you may want to switch to a different one.
Read more: 5 Ways to Reignite Your Passion and Energy for Your Business
2. Define your niche
Once you’ve made a list of your interests, start narrowing down your options by identifying which is profitable and caters to specific consumers. Take the time to do market research, as this determines your success.
Have a conversation with your target audience and gather information from your possible competitors. Explore ideas using Google Trends and Google AdWords’ keyword planner. Look for apps and websites that show the best-selling products for consumers and see if your business can fulfill the consumer’s needs.
3. Experiment
Some people consider themselves as “jack of all trades but master of none,” but it doesn’t have to be a bad thing. On the contrary, you can take advantage of being a jack of all trades to test everything and discover which part is needed for success.
If you don’t know what you want, be open to opportunities. List out things that may be of interest and try it all out. Experiment and couple it with learning so you can grow in multiple areas. With this, you become more aware of yourself and gain confidence in your path.
4. Reassess your chosen niche
Once you’ve chosen a niche and applied it to your business, check if it’s profitable. Get feedback from your team and your consumers to know which areas to improve.
Note that when you’re starting your business and still trying out your niche, it can take time to be profitable. So don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Instead, regularly reflect and adjust accordingly.
Read more: 5 Success Tips for Young and Aspiring Business Owners
Looking for your business niche is only the start of your journey as an entrepreneur. You also have to check your resources and build a team. So do your research and then get to work once you’ve found a good business idea.