Starting a home-based business is exciting, isn’t it? You can imagine the flexibility and freedom to work in your pajamas all day. Maybe you’re thinking that working from home is all fun. But no, it does come with sticky traps. Be careful, they might stop you from meeting your solopreneur goals.
Today, I’m listing several of these common mistakes.
1. Not setting boundaries
One of the hardest things about working from home is getting tempted to take unnecessary breaks. You’re tempted to do the dishes, take out the trash, or do the laundry. As much as possible, avoid these distractions. There should be a specific time for such activities. Also let your family know that when you’re working, you prefer not to be bothered.
2. Obsessing over perfection
Do you often find yourself overthinking, overplanning, switching from one idea to another before you actually take action? Doing your very best to make things work the way you want them is a good thing. However, realize that your expectations can be unrealistic and this leads to high-stress levels. Most often than not, done is better than perfect.
3. Staying indoors 24/7
If you’re staying in the same area for 90% of the time, know that this isn’t good for you. Spending some time outside benefits your health, well-being, and overall performance in business. It gets you fresh air and a view of nature. The effects are improved concentration and a boost in working memory.
Read More: How to Increase Your Creativity While Working from Home
4. Failing to create a separate home office
A home office is a must-have if you want your productivity levels to soar. Many solopreneurs realize that dedicating a special space for work inspires them to hustle than sleep under the blankets. Previously, I wrote a simple guide on setting up a home office that helps you stay focused. Go check that out!
5. Not staying organized
A cluttered workplace creates a cluttered mind. Get in the habit of organizing and you’ll be able to meet important deadlines, make fewer mistakes, and decrease your stress. Dedicate a specific app for keeping your files. Use a password management service like LastPass. Clean up your desktop. Delete documents you no longer need.
6. Multitasking
Think that multitasking is a superpower? It’s actually not. What seems like multitasking is actually task switching. By switching between tasks, you won’t be able to devote your full attention to one thing. Defeat multitasking using time blocking. It’s a simple technique where you assign an hour of the day for a specific task. Make sure that nothing else takes up that time – no checking of emails, reading phone messages, or welcoming other distractions.
Read More: Could Time-Blocking Replace Your To-Do List?
7. Having an irregular work schedule
So your schedule is flexible. But flexible doesn’t mean you can work irregular hours when what your body needs is consistency to perform its best. Build a routine that keeps you healthy and productive. Stick to that routine. Go to bed the same time each night. Your business will thank you for it.
Final Thoughts
Working from home has its own unique challenges, and these are the common ones. Treat your homebased work seriously. If you have more responsibilities at home, consider getting help!