Have you just started a new business? If so, I congratulate you. Solopreneurship is one of the toughest but most rewarding journeys you can take.
When it comes to boosting your web presence, soon enough you’ll realize that content is king. You need compelling blog posts to communicate not just your product or service, but how it benefits the audience you serve.
But the thing is, successful content takes time, effort, and experience. How do you write something that delights and resonates with your readers right then and there? Is there a way to ease the content writing process?
Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered.
Keep an “ideas” file.
I promise you that if you do this, you’ll be able to increase not just your writing productivity but also the power of your content. Do you have a small notebook or note-taking app with you? Make sure to have one.
Devote an entire day to planning blog content – just one day in a month. Next, write down as many topics as you can that come to mind. Start with broader topics then branch out. Write a short description beside each topic idea so that you’re guided.
At the end of the day, you should be able to come up with a month’s worth of blog content!
Begin your blog post with a story.
Storytelling has proved to be an effective tool in capturing the attention of readers. Instead of starting a blog post the “typical way,” tell a short story. It’ll help set the tone for the topic of your post.
It doesn’t have to be a real experience (if you’re not comfortable sharing). It can be a made-up story, a scenario, or a couple of questions that make your readers paint a picture in their minds.
Develop an outline.
If you’re like most solopreneurs, you’d sit down and start right away. This is what happens: you don’t know what to discuss next. An outline isn’t optional – it’s more than necessary to write faster and better. Here’s why…
Outlining keeps your entire post logical and on-point. Without an online, there’ll be a tendency to deviate from your main topic (and you might even include a lot of fluff). Neil Patel creates an outline by writing an introduction and conclusion. This gets his creative juices flowing. Next, he writes the subheadings.
Write like you talk.
A challenge among budding solopreneurs is finding their voice. I can recall the times when I tried to emulate the writing style of great modern-day writers like Jeff Goins of Tim Ferriss. But eventually, I found my own style. The secret? Write as if you’re talking to a friend.
Gather real and honest feedback by having a close friend listen as you read your blog post out loud. It’s okay not to be able to get it right the first time. Don’t expect yourself to, but keep practicing!
If all else fails, outsource it.
Let me tell you that you are the best person to write content. But it’s also important to acknowledge that sometimes life gets hectic and writing can be the last thing on your mind. If you can afford it, outsource it!
In a recent post, I shared about how money can buy you more free time. One of the ways to do that is by outsourcing. Outsourcing amps up your content creation efforts if you can find someone with a similar writing voice, who’s able to put your exact ideas into words, and reliable.
During the first few weeks (or months) of solopreneurship, you’ll probably have doubts and fears about your writing. But know that these tips help you improve in no time. Just keep that passion burning!