The dread you feel at the office isn’t caused by your job or your colleagues for most of the time. Major key players that dictate your mindset during a workday comes from the time you wake up until the moment you leave your home. If you start your day stressed-out, you’ll be stressed during your working hours. Read below for ways on how to start your day peacefully so you’ll have an easy flow while working.
1. Wake up early
How you feel for the rest of your day will be influenced by how you feel when you wake up. At early hours, when everyone is still asleep, everything is quiet and peaceful. That is why early birds tend to be calm throughout their day with a lot of tasks done after working hours. They also have a lot of time to prepare to avoid anxiety and the feeling of rushing for work.
Read: Do These 8 Things to Have a Stress-Free Morning
2. Be grateful
Aside from starting your day in peace and quiet, throw in some positive vibes and a heartwarming feeling there. You can show your gratitude by offering a prayer of thanks. Even writing your gratitude in your diary or journal could inspire your day to be full of happiness and peace.
3. Give yourself some alone and quiet time
While you’re waiting for your body to warm up, enjoy the fresh morning air. These early hours are also best for short sittings on the kitchen counter as you brew your coffee, answer emails, or browse all your social media accounts. What’s important is there are no auditory distractions as you have your time of peace.
4. Have a light exercise
When your body has warmed up, jumpstart your energy by doing some light cardio. Planking in your home or brisk walking around the block are good light workouts to perform for prepping your body on a day of hectic work.
5. Eat a healthy breakfast
Always eat a well-balanced breakfast. Protein and fiber-filled dishes are best to keep your stomach full until lunch. This way, you’ll avoid being distracted by the feeling of hunger as you get busy in the office. Eggs and green leafy vegetables are protein and fiber-rich goods that are relatively easy to prepare so no need to stress about what to eat.
6. Clear out distractions
When you’re done with your morning routines, it’s time to shut your distractions out. A good example of this is to set your phone to silent and close the email tabs from your laptop. Later during the day, you’ll no longer be distracted by useless notifications and spam emails. That means more time to focus on your work!
Read: Everyday Things That Stress You Out (Watch out for These)
7. Have a nice long shower
Work-related stress is the main reason for poor office performance. A nice long bath relieves this stress away. Depending on how your body feels and what relief you seek, your shower temperature should also adjust to it. For example, cold showers relieve sore muscles from post-workouts and boost alertness. And hot showers relax muscle fatigue and body tensions.
8. Treat someone with your kindness
Sometimes, brightening someone else’s day up also brightens ours in return. A lovely compliment to your significant other or a free cup of coffee to your workmate are simple yet powerful gestures. When you do this, you’re not only helping yourself and the person in the receiving end of your kindness, but you’re also inspiring them to spread positive emotions throughout the office and their personal lives.
9. Take advantage of your peak time
Have you noticed that there are hours during the day where you’re more active? During these times, schedule to do your most difficult tasks especially if they’re of utmost importance. You’ll be able to finish such challenging work in a short period of time with efficiency. And after, you’ll have more hours to focus on lesser responsibilities with ease. This technique is commonly practiced by workers who get to leave the office early.
An easy flowing day all starts by the moment you wake up. To achieve peace, stick to an early sleeping schedule to wake up early as well where the air is free from smog and car horns.