Do you ever wonder how successful solopreneurs stay strong when they lack the time and manpower to get things done? You love the idea of a one-man business for various reasons. At the same time, you know that in one way or another, work is going to take its toll on your productivity and well-being.
In today’s blog post, I’m about to share how you can keep moving forward. In other words, developing grit no matter how difficult the situation and despite minimal progress. Because believe me, perseverance is a predictor of success.
Just show up each day!
One solopreneur I spoke with shared that she didn’t care whether she’d be able to get an entire task done in a day. What mattered is that she did the work every single day. I totally agree. Without effort, nothing is going to move forward — not even one percent!
Keep the purpose of your business in focus.
A business without purpose is useless. The difference between a solopreneur who strives and a solopreneur who quits is purpose. Why does your business exist? Do you want to truly help people? Share your skill with the world? Always remind yourself of that.
Put your blinders on.
Distractions — they’re your biggest enemy because they distract you from doing the work. A competitor launched a new “attractive” campaign. Some of your customers unsubscribed from your service. Be selective of the things you invest your emotional and mental energies in.
Find ways to motivate yourself on “blah” days.
It can be anything that’ll cheer you up, give you more energy, and spark creativity. How about joining a co-working space? You could also workout. Read a few motivational business quotes. Learn from others’ successes by checking out their stories. Promise to reward yourself with a good book or another treat if you get stuff done. The ways are endless.
Be more interested in understanding your niche.
In other words, always be curious! Developing an attitude of a child (who’s deeply curious) is beneficial to your business. Why? Curiosity removes the limitations that your own ego creates. Our natural tendency is to believe that we should know everything already. Having a spirit of inquiry allows you to learn more and be satisfied with what you do. The journey of a curious solopreneur is never boring!
Remind yourself that it’s okay to fail!
The word “failure” leaves a bitter taste in everybody’s mouth. Because when we challenge ourselves, we want to win, right? But it’s okay to fail. Whether your campaign didn’t attract the number of subscribers you expected or clients left bad reviews, remember that without failure, there’s no way you’ll be able to discover what’s right for your business.
Related: How to Overcome the Fear of Failure in Solopreneurship
Don’t get comfortable.
Some solopreneurs reach a point where they’re satisfied with results. Then they become complacent. Settling won’t move your business forward. Change is constant and that means you should always find opportunities for growth. Be proactive to stay ahead!
Final Thoughts
It’s hard to stay on course especially in difficult times. But you always have a choice. The truth is that successful solopreneurs keep the faith. Will you?