Here at Lifestyle Solopreneur, my goal is to help people who run businesses thrive by learning how to take better care of themselves.
Because entrepreneurs plan and solve problems on a daily basis, they need to make sure that their brains stay healthy. The brain is the most complex organ of your body as it controls its functions and governs your memory, speech, and emotions.
Today, we’re going to have a deeper dive into the 5 things you can do to boost your brain health starting today.
1. Exercise your body.
Getting active doesn’t only improve your physique, but it also enhances the expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein inside your nerve cells that improves your cognition and alleviates depression and anxiety. Simply walking each day for 30 minutes can do wonders.
2. Surround yourself with positive people.
It’s no secret that spending more time with people who don’t belittle your dreams and bring out the best in you help you have good mental health. These people can be your family, friends, business mentors, or authors of the books you read!
3. Set realistic goals.
While success requires goal setting, the problem with many people is that they set goals that are not practical considering the current circumstances. Have goals that stretch you but make sure that they’re realistic. Unrealistic goals set you up for disappointment and make you think that you’re a failure.
4. Eat more whole foods.
Your brain functions best on high-quality fuel. Whole foods (foods that processed or unrefined) are full of vitamins and minerals that promote healthy blood flow to your brain. You can get these brain-boosting micronutrients from broccoli, nuts, fatty fish, eggs, berries, and turmeric.
5. Learn to protect your emotions.
When you’re anxious or depressed, your brain is too exhausted to solve problems. You’ll have difficulty thinking clearly. As someone running a business, it’s important that you set boundaries so that nothing or no one can easily hurt you. Know who to trust and listen to your conscience. Don’t accept offers unless you’ve thoroughly researched them. Know when to say NO so that you don’t overextend yourself!
Final Thoughts
As you can see, everything you do impacts your brain. Getting the best out of your business starts with keeping your brain healthy. What else can you do for your entrepreneurial brain? Share some tips in the comments section below.