Meet Gina, an unstoppable globetrotter with over 13 years of adventure under her belt. Hailing from The Netherlands, her life journey has taken her to live in Aruba, Spain, Sweden, Belgium, Austria, Australia, New Zealand, and Ireland, among other incredible destinations. She soon discovered the magic of “workations” and founded Driftawave to blend her passions for travel and work. Cowgirl in Australia? Check. Superyacht crew around the globe? Check. Tech sales expert in Ireland? Check. Founder of a workation start-up? Check!
What You’ll Learn from this Episode:
- The concept of “workations” and how Gina Schinkel blends travel with work through her company, Drift a Wave.
- Insights into the life and career of a globetrotter who has lived in multiple countries and embraced a nomadic lifestyle.
- The logistics and challenges of setting up a business that curates travel experiences for remote workers.
- Popular destinations for remote work and travel, including Croatia, Palermo in Sicily, and upcoming locations like the Philippines and Latin America.
- The role of community in remote work and travel, and how it enhances personal and professional experiences.
Resources Mentioned in this Episode:
- Drift a Wave: Gina Schinkel’s company that curates travel experiences for remote workers.
- LinkedIn: A platform where Gina connects with her audience, particularly for B2B interactions.
- Instagram: Follow Drift a Wave on Instagram for updates and travel inspiration.
- The official website for booking trips and learning more about Gina’s company.
- Podcast Guest Gift: A repository for freebies, gifts, and discounts offered by podcast guests, including a €100 discount on Drift a Wave trips.
- Get Shift Done: An online class that helps define business and lifestyle goals.